Search Results: "otavio"

14 September 2008

Christian Perrier: News from D-I last l10n efforts

There's only one week left for D-I translation updates. I wholeheartedly thank Otavio who agreed for such a long string freeze as it allowed me to do my best to get translations completed. And this is a huge communication effort, considering how easily the translators vanish... 46 languages are now qualified for the release, without discussion. Since my last blog entry, welcome back to Greek, Esperanto, Hungarian, Norwegian Nynorsk, Wolof. There are still uncertainties for 14 languages: Amharic, Bengali, Bosnian, Catalan, Danish, Estonian, Kurdish, Latvian, Macedonian, Northern Sami, Slovenian, Albanian, Tagalog, Ukrainian Again, several of these have *very few missing strings*. In short, if your language is among these 14, there are 6.5 days left (the end of the translation update round is on Saturday 20th midnight UTC). RUSH! What will happen in 6.5 days? I will examine the situation of each of those languages and discuss it with the D-I release managers. On a case by case basis, we will decide together to keep them or not. Etch has 58 supported languages (English included). Lenny currently has 47 that are sure. Will Lenny be the first Debian release ever with *less* supported languages in D-I than the former release? It would give some groung to my claim that Debian translators are currently escaping somewhere else (guess where?).

10 August 2008

Martin Michlmayr: 2.6.26 ARM and MIPS udebs on the way...

Otavio has updated kernel-wedge in SVN to 2.6.26, so I updated ARM and MIPS today. The udebs built after minor modifications and I can also build installer images after having fixed some bugs in the build process. I tested a 2.6.26 based image on the QNAP TS-409 (armel) as well as in QEMU (mipsel). 2.6.26 will bring major improvements on ARM. Orion support is much better and our 2.6.26 has a number of patches from Marvell that help with performance on Orion. Our 2.6.26 also has Riku Voipio's LED driver for Thecus N2100 which has been accepted for the 2.6.27 mainline kernel. I haven't actually uploaded the udebs yet because I'm waiting for the go-ahead as well as for the new version of the 2.6.26 kernel package to build. But at least we're getting closer to having 2.6.26 as the kernel for lenny.

26 July 2008

Philipp Kern: Stable Point Release: Etch 4.0r4 (aka etchnhalf)

Another point release for Etch has been done; now it's the time for the CD team to roll out new images after the next mirror pulse. The official announcements (prepared by Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, thanks!) will follow shortly afterwards. FTP master of the day was Joerg Jaspert, who did his first point release since Woody, as he told us on IRC. We appreciate your work and you spending your time that shortly before going to Argentina. This point release includes the etchnhalf update introducing a new kernel image (based on 2.6.24) and some driver updates. Additionally the infamous openssl hole will be fixed for good, even for new installs. Again I want to present you a list of people who contributed to this release. It cannot be complete as I got the information out of the Changed-by fields of the uploads. From the Release Team we had dann frazier (who drove the important kernel part of etchnhalf), Luk Claes, Neil McGovern, Andreas Barth, Martin Zobel-Helas and me working on it. ;-)

16 June 2008

Christian Perrier: On D-I releases

(hint: D-I=Debian Installer, the installation system for your favourite distro) Commenting on the blog entry I posted yesterday about D-I releases... I want to make it clear, in case it could be misunderstood, that writing that the next D-I release will certainly be called a Release Candidate and be the final release, is purely personal assumptions. I am not the D-I release manager. Otavio Salvador is. So, my assumption is only based on the small experience I got from a little bit less than 5 years in the D-I team and nearly 3 entire release cycles for Debian and D-I. Pure speculation, then. I could even say "science-fiction". I still believe that there will (should) be only one D-I release until the release of Lenny, but that decision is up to the D-I release manager(s?) and you're free to not believe me and just ask on #debian-boot or the debian-boot mailing list. Still, when it comes at i18n, I still believe that translators should move their asses if they want to make it for the release. And that involves /me saying them that the release is bloody near no matter if it's called a Release Candidate or Yet Another Beta.

23 May 2008

Enrico Zini: Conditional partitioning in debian installer

Conditional partitioning in debian installer I needed to create an automatic, unattended installer that would repartition the whole disk, but keep an existing home partition if it is already existing. The idea is to replace the operating system, but keep the user's home files. If the home partition does not exist, however, we need to create it. The starting point for this is in Holger's website, which does everything except create the partition if it's missing. The technique I used is to create a udeb that would scan the partitions using /usr/lib/partconf/find-partitions and then load the right preseeding for partman-auto, the automatic partitioner. Here you find the udeb source. I'll comment the most important bits: First, the two partman-auto recipes that we are going to preseed. The format is documented in the debian-installer documentation. This will create /home if missing:
        d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe string                           \
                condpart ::                                             \
                2048 2048 2048 ext3                                     \
                        $primary    $bootable                           \
                        method  format   format                         \
                        use_filesystem    filesystem  ext3              \
                        mountpoint  /                                   \
                .                                                       \
                1024 1024 1024 linux-swap                               \
                        method  swap   format                           \
                .                                                       \
                1024 4096 10000000 ext3                                 \
                        method  format   format                         \
                        use_filesystem    filesystem  ext3              \
                        mountpoint  /home                               \
And this will keep /home if it exists:
        d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe string                           \
                condpart ::                                             \
                2048 2048 2048 ext3                                     \
                        $primary    $bootable                           \
                        method  format   format                         \
                        use_filesystem    filesystem  ext3              \
                        mountpoint  /                                   \
                .                                                       \
                1024 1024 1024 linux-swap                               \
                        method  swap   format                           \
                .                                                       \
                1024 4096 10000000 ext3                                 \
                        method  keep                                    \
                        use_filesystem    filesystem  ext3              \
                        mountpoint  /home                               \
Then the postinst file of the package, where the logic is. Otavio and Daniel on #debian-boot have taught me that udebs are, simply put, just big postinsts (installer wise, apart from shipping binaries). Postinst is where the logic is done, or applications are started.
# Copyright 2008 Enrico Zini <>
# Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
# version 3 or any later version.
set -e
notice ()  
    logger -t condpart "$@"
error ()  
    logger -t condpart "error: $@"
# load debconf
. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
notice "Checking if we need to recreate /home"
if [ ! -x $FINDPARTS ]
    error "$FINDPARTS not found"
    exit 1
if $FINDPARTS   grep -q part6
    # Keep
    notice "/home exists: we keep it"
    debconf-set-selections /usr/lib/condpart/part-keep.preseed
    # Format
    notice "/home does not exist: we create it"
    debconf-set-selections /usr/lib/condpart/part-create.preseed
notice "Finished special handling of /home"
exit 0
Finally, debian/control. The basic bits about creating a d-i udeb are to put it in Section: debian-installer and to use XC-Package-Type: udeb. Then there is XB-Installer-Menu-Item, that defines the order of execution of postinsts. The d-i documentation lists the numbers that are currently assigned.
Source: condpart
Section: debian-installer
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Enrico Zini <>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), cdbs
Package: condpart
Architecture: any
XC-Package-Type: udeb
XB-Installer-Menu-Item: 38
Description: Conditional partitioning
 Tells partman-auto to create /home if it's missing, or if it exists, to keep
I am using 38 rather than 3800 because I'm targeting etch d-i. After etch, "numbers have been multiplied by 100 from what they were before to give us more space". This is it. debian/rules is just boilerplate, except installing the preseed files in the right place. CDBS is useful to make this self-evident:
#!/usr/bin/make -f
include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/
  install -o root -g root -m 0644 *.preseed debian/$(cdbs_curpkg)/usr/lib/condpart/
To build the installer CD with this d-i, I'm using simple-cdd; here are the profile files I'm using at the moment, with the main preseeding for fully unattended install (it is designed to trash your hard disk if you boot it, so only test it in an emulated environment) and the inclusion of the custom udeb.

6 May 2008

Otavio Salvador: Why multiple vendors collaboration rocks - s390 parted bug solved

It’s nice to be able to count on friends across vendors. The two new Parted Team members, Joel Andres Granados Moreno and Bryn Reeves from Red Hat, has been working with me to solve the s390 error that was blocking Debian to move to latest parted release (1.8.8 up to now). They’ve had a hard time to identify the real problem and we helped each other for those past two weeks. That’s awesome to be able to share the work load and be able to get help to solve problems. Even more when this is done for a very important software like Parted. I do believe this is the way to go for Free Software projects… maybe others could learn from that? Cheers

4 May 2008

Christian Perrier: The "call for l10n updates" week-end

Last week-end, I sent several calls for translation updates for some key packages which I maintain localization for: apt, menu, noticeably. Also sent a reminder for Debian Installer beta2 even if Otavio already did so. That will continue over next weeks, of course along with the running l10n NMUs for which the pace is now about 2 packages per day. It's also good to see many package maintainers send call for l10n updates now in debian-i18n. One enhancement for the next release cycle will be avoiding to concentrate these during the last weeks/months of the release. Translators are not super(wo)men...:)

17 April 2008

Pablo Lorenzzoni: Wow! Fisl exploded!

I have never seem so many people at fisl. Seriously! All the rooms were crowded, all the time same as the expo and the user-group area. Our official counter were stopped at 6667 participants, but that is just because we ve taken the registration database off-line in order to process new registrations on-site. By the end of fisl all the numbers will be summed up, but I heard rumors of 7 thousand people! Awesome! I spent this first day mostly in the TVSL room. We ve had problems with the network all day long. PUCRS technicians and our link providers personnel were trying to figure out where the problem seems to be. Being stuck with a non-functioning stuff, to me this day was mostly a sequence of frustrating attempts to get over the blockage. By the end of the day I was told that they were close to a solution It reminded me of our second year trying to stream fisl, as was best told by Fluendo s Thomas ... This just leads me to an unavoidable conclusion: our network sucks! I had to hear from a Brazilian friend who lives in Europe how wonderful her Gigabit network is grrrrrrr Bored as I was, I went walking around. That, surely, were the best part of fisl so far: meeting old friends. I had the most pleasant chat (yet quick) with Otavio Salvador and Felipe van de Wiel, both friends of long time. I took some pictures of the crowd: And, since I was not available in the morning, when the huge crowd was arriving, I took a picture of a picture taken by Marlon of this initial moments: (It is not really clear in this picture, but beyond the red gates there were as many people as inside)

10 March 2008

Christian Perrier: A good way for Debian to fail in the long term... continuing to neglect our key packages. We have ridiculous numbers of maintainers on some of them. Mentioning dpkg right now is probably not appropriate but there have been not more than 4 people active on it (including Ian Jackson despite the recent events). Just look at its bugs database. APT is maintained by Michael Vogt and Otavio Salvador, both involved in (too?) many other parts of the distribution. Just look at its bugs database. aptitude is maintained by Daniel Burrows alone (my help for l10n doesn't really count). Just look at its bugs database. Despite the tremendous work of the XSF, X.Org bugs decrease quite slowly and I don't doubt that in case one of the current 3-4 people who are very hard-working on it are swaped by real life, we'd be in trouble. I could find dozens of these, probably. In the same time, we're still seeing tons of ITPs for different pieces of junk^W software which I really wonder about us needing them. We should maybe reconsider the implicit encouragements we are giving to new applicants to maintain "their" package. We'd probably better encourage them to *adopt* an existing package and rank these by order of priority or popcon score. Stop having that damn archive growing and expand the outbounds of the Debian galaxy. We'd better take care of the inside black hole.

8 February 2008

Christian Perrier: Preparing lenny D-I beta 1: l10n status

We now have 30 complete languages in D-I: bg cs de eo es eu fi fr gl gu it ja ko lt lv nb nl nn pl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sl sv ta th vi zh_CN Some progress was made for others, but I doubt we reach my unofficial target of 40 languages by Thursday February 14th which is the deadline set by Otavio, D-I release manager. Incomplete languages:
 2 099% he
   099% hu
   099% pa      3
 3 098% be
   098% ca
   098% dz
   098% ml
   098% sq
   098% zh_TW   6
 4 097% bn
   097% ne      2
 5 094% ar      1
 6 093% bs
   093% da
   093% el
   093% et
   093% hi
   093% hr
   093% id
   093% ka
   093% km
   093% mk
   093% tl
   093% tr
   093% uk
   093% wo      14
 7 090% am      1
 8 088% ku      1
Translators, hurry up, please! We are in the process of *losing* translations for lenny if some of you don't wake up.

2 February 2008

Christian Perrier: Preparing lenny D-I beta 1: l10n status

Otavio is currently busy preparing the first release of D-I for lenny. He is still polishng the release schedule but, as part of the process, I sent a call for translation updates today. The starting point is: 59 activated languages (including English) but 'only' 18 of them are 100%. For others:
1 100% bg
   100% cs
   100% de
   100% es
   100% eu
   100% fr
   100% gl
   100% gu
   100% it
   100% ja
   100% ko
   100% nl
   100% pt
   100% ru
   100% sk
   100% sv
   100% vi
   100% zh_CN   18
 2 099% hu      1
 3 098% be
   098% ca
   098% dz
   098% eo
   098% he
   098% ml
   098% nb
   098% nn
   098% pl
   098% pt_BR
   098% ro
   098% sq
   098% ta
   098% th
   098% zh_TW   15
 4 097% bn
   097% lt
   097% ne
   097% pa      4
 5 094% ar      1
 6 093% bs
   093% da
   093% el
   093% et
   093% fi
   093% hi
   093% hr
   093% id
   093% ka
   093% km
   093% lv
   093% mk
   093% sl
   093% tl
   093% tr
   093% uk
   093% wo      17
 7 090% am      1
 8 085% ku      1
Languages at 93% had no single updates since Etch. For these, I have some worries and I fear we could 'lose' some if their translator disappeared. Amharic and Kurdish never reached 100% yet but they have translated the most important strings, so we'll probably keep them. So, in short, the message to translators is: *move*. You have about 2 weeks.

31 December 2007

Otavio Salvador: Happy new year for everybody

I wish happy new year to everybody and that 2008 be a great year for all people involved with Free Software. Personally, I’m involved with many people from Free Software and many of them are friends to me. I couldn’t forget to wish the best for all of them. Now, let’s move out of computer and go together with our family and friends. See you all in 2008!

27 December 2007

Otavio Salvador: New usplash uses the splash API provided by new sysvinit - tests needed

I’ve just uploaded, to experimental, a new usplash package that uses the new splash API provided by lastest sysvinit (guess what.. experimental too) and we want to ask to everyone that has the possibility to try and report any problems back to us.

10 December 2007

Steve Kemp: don't go breaking my heart

If you're interested in working upon your CV/Resume, as Otavio Salvador was recently, then I'd highly recommend the xml-resume-library. It allows you to write your address, previous jobs, and skills as XML then generate PDF, HTML, and plain text format documents via a simple Makefile. It won't help with clueless agencies that mandate the use of Microsoft Word Documents for submission, so they can butcher your submission and "earn" their fee(s), but otherwise it rocks.

Steve Kemp: don't go breaking my heart

If you're interested in working upon your CV/Resume, as Otavio Salvador was recently, then I'd highly recommend the xml-resume-library. It allows you to write your address, previous jobs, and skills as XML then generate PDF, HTML, and plain text format documents via a simple Makefile. It won't help with clueless agencies that mandate the use of Microsoft Word Documents for submission, so they can butcher your submission and "earn" their fee(s), but otherwise it rocks.

4 December 2007

Steve Kemp: don't go breaking my heart

If you're interested in working upon your CV/Resume, as Otavio Salvador was recently, then I'd highly recommend the xml-resume-library. It allows you to write your address, previous jobs, and skills as XML then generate PDF, HTML, and plain text format documents via a simple Makefile. It won't help with clueless agencies that mandate the use of Microsoft Word Documents for submission, so they can butcher your submission and "earn" their fee(s), but otherwise it rocks.

Otavio Salvador: A Resume made easy

It was a very long time ago since I did my last resume and never found the energy to update (or translate it to English) so I thought it was nice to have this kind of information about myself. It was nice since it gave to me a nice impressions of events I participated and like. I’ve decided to do my resume using LaTeX (I use it for majority of my documents) and started to browse the web to find something useful to use as basis. I ended up finding Making a Resume in LaTeX and liked the final result. I then wanted to have it in English and Portuguese and them I remembered about po4a that makes that task very easy :-) I ended changing Adrew’s style to a class and writing a cuple of Makefiles to automate all this. All well done :-D I suggest that anyone interested on it to take a look on the GIT repository and also provide tips about how to improve it. I hope it’s useful to anybody else :-D

16 October 2007

Otavio Salvador: noip2 (no-ip) package needing help

I’m looking for someone to help with no-ip package maintainence. It’s hosted on collab-maint Alioth’s project and it does deserves some love. I’m not a regular user of it anymore and I’ve been involved in many other project so lacking the need time to take care of it how it deserves. Please, feel free to start providing patches or even commiting changes on its repository. If you’re not DD or DM I can do the uploads for you and help with anything need. Thank you by any help!

15 October 2007

Otavio Salvador: git-dch, where to get it?

Well, I forgot to say where you can get git-dch and many people worried about it on IRC. git-dch is part of git-buildpackage lastest version and come with a nice set of options to allow you to customize its behaviour and like. Guido is nice as upstream since he’s very open for suggestions and I do think that if you have any suggestion to give, you shoul do.

14 October 2007

Otavio Salvador: git-update-debian-changelog deprecated! Use git-dch!

I’ve get in touch with Guido and explained him some missing things I had found on git-dch (part of git-buildpackage). The most amazing thing is that he implemented them all and his code is much nicer then mine since it has been wrote using the Python extensions for the GIT. Please, migrate your scripts that use git-update-debian-change (if there’s someone else then me using it) to use git-dch since I’ll drop it next week.

